22 Apr 2014

Sealing Jutsu Crouched Tiger Bullet

Post by : Awais Ahmed Khan | Publish : 11:30 pm | Catagory :

Tiger Crouched Bullet jutsu

Sai learned this technique while he part of Root ninja.

Sealing Technique Animal
This technique is required removing negative emotion from his own personality. This technique is very difficult to control until you mastered in this technique.

Sign of Sealing Technique

Drawing Gigantic Tiger on scroll and releasing on with hand seal using Ram sign seal and its the illustration extends from the scroll and while still connected.

Sealing Jutsu Being Processed
The jutsu user controlling his technique from mid rang and it is also depends on for his safety from other, while someone performing this technique who can not defend himself.

Enemy bein sucked

Sai's draw Tiger animal extended from scroll and till connected till the user desire and captures its prey with its teeth and claws. This technique so much powerful and it is like Sai's other technique.

Completing Thecnique
The reincarnated ninja Jinin Akebino being sealed into the scroll. Sai learned this technique from Danzo's order while he was part of Root Ninja and under Danzo's order.

Naruto Shippuden

Anime : 284

Appearance : Anime , Manga 
Status : Ongoing
Ninja's Affiliation : Hidden MistKirigakure's Symbol, Hidden Leaf Symbol of Leaf Village 
Screen : Sai and jinin Akebino

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