4 Nov 2012

Hoshigakure Hidden Star Village

Post by : Awais Ahmed Khan | Publish : 4:00 am | Catagory :

Hoshigakure means " Village Hidden by Star". Hoshigakure is a small country and leading by Hoshikage. Hoshigakure was using star as a training.

Symbol of Hoshigakure

Symbol of Hoshigakure is showing star. Hoshigakure has deep forest like Konohagakure. Hoshigakure ninja wear forehead protector with Hoshigakure's symbol.

First Hoshikage

He was the First Hoshikage of the Hoshigakure. He found the Hoshigakure 200 years ago according to Naruto series. First Hoshikage was first who found the fallen star and start the star training in order to gain ttle of great hidden village. The First Hoshikage didn't no the side effects of star training.

Third HoshikageHe was the Third Hoshikage of the Hoshigakure. After learned about side effects of star training Third Hoshikage forbid the star training later star stolen by Natsuhi and Hotarubi (Parents of Sumaru ) but they caught and promised not to train from star they asked to the third that tell his son that they are died protecting the country. 

Meteorite of Hoshigakure

The Fallen star was found by the First Hoshikage before 200 years ago and the training was continue since than but no one knows about the side effects of star training and people died bcause of overpowering chakra. In the era of Third Hohsikage the star training was completely forbid.

Third Hoshikage killed

After Sometime Akahoshi, Shiso and Yokata asked to third that restart the star training but Third Hoshikage refused and because of side effects after refusing Akahoshi's comrades killed the Third Hoshikage and take over the village and restart the star training.

Star Training 
Afater killing the Third Akahoshi took over the village and become a Hoshikage of the village and restart the star training. During the star training the star was stolen by Sumaru's mother. After the Konoha's help Hoshigakure finally revealed true evil self of Akahoshi and by the help of Sumaru's mother Naruto defeated Akahoshi.

Naruto Shippuden

Status : Ongoing

About : Hidden Grass Village
 Screen Naruto : 179 , 181 

Character In Screen : First Hoshikage , Third Hoshikage and Star Ninja

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